It seems that to keep this work more fluid, I must post with current dates and trust that when its all said and done, the numbered posts (in the titles) shall serve as the order of reading the book. It has been a while since the last post, so let's get right to it.
Hopefully in this short section I can include a few quotes from the Master and others, if I can find them, to introduce the reader to Shams and his way of speech or conversations. He himself had mentioned that due to his lack of fluent Persian speech (he was a Turk by birth), and also due to the common mans' ignorance of deeper truths, he preferred small sentences, quick one or two liners that gave the listener the answer without worrying about correct grammar or the level at which his audience would get the message. His words were sharp, wild, cutting and even arrogant to the uninspired ears.
"All my words seem to take a God like tone. They come out of me with certainty, with authority"
"Words have limitations, far too much. The field of Intentions is vast, come away from words if you wish to hear me, so you so the vastness of my intent and meaning"
"I have yet to be able to speak, to infer, I wish more could at least listen more intently. Full attention is needed to speak, full attention to hear, Alas..the hearts are mostly shut down, the tongues are sealed, the ears are sealed"
"I have not come for the common man, I have no business with them. My words are for the learned, the leaders and the educators, I am putting my foot upon their artery, pressing!"
" I will hold the Gurus and teachers accountable, and even then, not any Shaykh or teacher, but only the ones who have evolved"
" I cannot always tell the truth, I did a few times and the people threw me out. If I were to be fully truthful about life, the whole country shall disown me. Hear me please, most people are happy with confusions and separatism, Truth of my kind makes them sad. I told a learned one once that he was a great man, one of a kind, he was so pleased and said "I have been waiting to be near you and to hear you". On another occasion, I told the same man truthfully about his lack of basic reason, he became my enemy, fowl language, is this not peculiar? Yes I must live with the people in separatist ways and lie mostly to keep the peace, If I wish to speak the truth, I must reside in the mountains, alone"
In his prayers historian (Aflaaki) says; "Shams would pray, O Lord is there any amongst your creation who can bear the weight of my words? Whereupon he received the call to go Rome." Of course he never got there, he met Rumi in Ghoonieh(qunieh) , Turkey and the rest of his life was not the same again!
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