Monday, December 19, 2011


Rumi's books long before Shams, were read and admired by all specially in this town of Qounieh ,to which he was the grand shaykh! His father too was a learned scholar of Islamic Laws!

A short while after Shams's arrival in their lives, Rumi's son Mohammad Jallaluldin (who served as the gofer for his dad and Shams while they stayed in that room in "KHALVAT" ) was being observed and guided by Shams without his knowledge. 
One day Shams pulls the boy aside and commands him not to ever read his father's books again! We have to know of course that by then the kid knew he'd best follow this master's order as he was HIS Dad's Master! He went to his father Rumi, and asked for a reason or some relief. Rumi without a blink responded; "If Shams should ask for your arm, you cut it off and give it to him son and ask no more such questions about Shams's orders!" That is how Rumi honored Shams!

That night, Mohammad Jalaluddin dreamed of reading his father's books with eagerness and joy. The following day, Shams stopped the boy and Scolded him for being sneaky about reading his dad's books again! "I told you not to read those books" he said. Jalaluddin had joined the sama'! 

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