Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SUFI WAY OF LOVE(10) تصوف عشق

"Boojanib( a teacher) sitting in solitude, he was deep in contemplation and prayerful. It came to him:'Tis you shall not solve unless you see that shaykh', Boojanib again asked 'But how shall I find the Shaykh?' and again the answer came 'you cannot see him, go be with the people, seek all and be in need, with the masses assimilate and be seen, then, perhaps the Shaykh will see you'!"

The sufi way of love and life are in the experience of the act of living a day to day life, in with the people and not alone with some rocks and buildings where no one sees you and no feelings enter when the buttons get pushed. If I am actively being in the "bazar" as it were, The Living Master(whatever our interpretation of Master) will see me, I don't have to be looking hard, just be in need of that love connection to all sentient beings! Through pain and pleasure, life and death!  

In shams's way of being, every event is a coded message of how to become the
 "whole human, انسان کامل ) , growing in wisdom results in contentment beyond words. 

" A monk was in the mountains in solitude, I say he was rock not human, to be wholly human we need to be with other humans who have joy, and suffering, who have love to give and need to feel loved. What business is it of man and rocks? Mingle in with the humans and be uniquely alone!

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